The study of permutation patterns is a very active area of research and has
connections to many other fields of mathematics as well as to computer science
and physics. One of the main questions in the field is the enumeration problem:
Given a particular set of permutations, how many permutations does the set have
of each length? The main goal of this research group is to develop a novel
algorithm which will aid researchers in finding structures in sets of
permutations and use those structures to find generating functions to enumerate
the set. Our research interests lead also into various topics in discrete
mathematics and computer science.
Michael Albert, Professor, Otago University
Christian Bean, Lecturer, Keele University
Anders Claesson, Professor, University of Iceland
Jay Pantone, Assistant Professor, Marquette University
Henning Ulfarsson, Assistant Professor, Reykjavik University
Current students
Ragnar Pall Ardal, MSc student at Reykjavik University
Jon Steinn Eliasson, MSc student at Reykjavik University
Émile Nadeau, PhD student at Reykjavik University
Murray Tannock, PhD student, Otago University 2017-